Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Needle play

Until fairly recently I had a phobia of needles - something I had lived with since early childhood.  Thankfully, with the help of others, I was able to overcome this phobia and I now have a love-hate relationship with needles: if I let myself be blasé about it I will still succumb and at the very least will feel faint, light-headed, dizzy, nauseated and somewhat flustered; but if I remain focused and give willingly myself over to the discomfort of the needle then I remain calm, cool and collected - I even manage to enjoy the small but noticeable pain of the needle piercing my skin and it empowers me.

Now that I am open to and proud of my own masochistic tendencies, the love part of this love-hate relationship with needles has developed into a desire to partake in a play-piercing (or needle-play) BDSM scene.  Of course great care and forethought has to go into making such a scene reality if you are to minimise the very real risks of serious infection, permanent nerve damage or severe bleeding.  Whilst reading up on the details of needle-play I came across this website which appears to give a very detailed and moderately comprehensive overview of play-piercing.  I heartily recommend it to anyone.

As a novice play-piercee you probably don't want to go too far and I suspect that something resulting in marks like this would be appropriate:

For the more advanced player the sky is the limit when it comes to the design of the piercing, and the number of needles is limited only by the size of the area to be pierced.

I'm not sure I would have the nerve to go as far as these brave people who are no doubt wearing their piercings with pride:


This beautiful lady is to be particularly respected as this was her first ever play piercing!



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